
Sustainability Report


living legacies.

2020/2021 crop year highlights

56% to 62% uplift in the total volume of certified fruit in line with international platforms
ESG 2030
Definition of ESG 2030 Commitments and embedded in the business strategic agenda
Over R$2 million
was invested in education, citizenship, public health and rights empowerment programs
to the UN Global Compact
Rating B in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) score, above the global food and beverage sector’s average

Much more than juice

Our purpose is to feed people and promote the well-being of the planet and society. We produce a wide range of non-genetically modified, natural, vegan, and sustainable preservative-free, sugar-free, salt-free, or fat-free food and ingredients.
Healthy products
We transform 100% of orange into functional food and biodegradable ingredients
Healthy people
We work focused on promoting people's health, nutrition, and well-being.
Healthy planet
We adopt sustainable practices and stimulate all the productive chain's development.

Commitment to life

We are innately a positive-impact company, which operates with integrity and respect for life. We adopt sustainable practices, recognized by the largest global certifiers. Our products are natural and nutritive which contribute to people’s health and food safety around the globe.
Social and environmental practices are internationally recognized.
Our farms are 100% certified by SAI Platform Gold attesting sustainable practices.
Food safety
We monitor 100% of our products, we are capable of fully tracking the value chain.
Leadership in the sustainable value chain
We innovate by engaging our value chain and disseminating the best international social and environmental practices through our Path Program (Programa Trilhar).

Commitment to the planet

We are committed to the adoption of sustainable practices. We pursue production chain advancement, contribute to the low-carbon economy transition and preserve the biomes in which we operate, maximizing the efficient use of natural resources.
Our orange orchards directly contribute to removing more than 400,000 tons of CO2/year.
60% renewable sources in our energy matrix.
In our industrial processes, 47% of water consumed was reused this crop year.

Worldwide performance

Industrial plants
Matão (SP), the world's largest orange juice processing plant: Catanduva (SP); Araras (SP); Lake Wales (FL) – USA
Nursery of
orange seedlings
73,000 hectares and more than 25 million trees planted
Offices around the world
Brazil, USA, Austria, Australia, Belgium, Japan and China
Sea terminals
Santos (BR), Wilmington (USA), Ghent (Belgium), Toyohashi (Japan) and Newcastle (Australia)
Proprietary vessels
+1 chartered multi-cargo
thousand employees
during the crop year
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